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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  April 23, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> eric: we have to go. maybe we'll get him on "the five" one of these days. that is it for "the five." thanks for watching. see you tomorrow. >> bret: the colombia prostitution scandal grows and lawmakers are demanding answers about possible white house involvement. this is "special report." ♪ >> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier. there are 12 military personnel under investigation for partying with prostitutes in colombia ahead of a visit by barack obama in addition to a dozen members of the secret service. there are questions whether the white house personnel were involved as well. correspondent doug mckelway has tonight's late developments. >> reporter: today a 12 member of the military assigned to the white house communication team was implicated and disciplined like the 11 others.
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>> we have suspended the security clearances of individuals there, pending the result of this investigation. >> white house spokesman jay carney again fielded questions today about whether the white house staff may have been involved. >> there have been no specific credible allegations of misconduct by anyone on the white house advance team or white house staff. >> that answer may not satisfy senator grassily on friday wrote secret asking did the secret service resume hotels at the hotel or others in cartagena for representative of the white house communication agency or advanced team? with three separate investigations now planned members are concerned that the presidential security may have been compromised. that fear was ramped up late friday. when it was revealed a 12th secret service officer was also being investigated. >> what was striking to me and significant is that the
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12th agent was not at the hotel where the other agents were but at the hilton. the hilton is significant because that's where president obama was going to stay. >> reporter: two members of congress are suggesting that the scandal might not have erupted if the secret service had more female officers. history suggest that so-called honey traps do not discriminate by gender. a notorious case, east german spy master sent dozen of handsome west male agents to lure women in government to reveal secrets and they did just that, telling the romeo spies where nato placed nuclear missiles aimed at the east. >> bret: it doesn't seem this is the end of the story. >> reporter: weeks to go, i suspect. >> bret: thank you. we learned this afternoon how quickly america's social safety net may be unraveling. new projections are out for medicare and social security.
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chief white house correspondent ed henry looks at what it means to you. >> reporter: president obama got sobering news from the trustees of social security and medicare. sour economy and soaring energy prices are hitting social security finances hard. the disability trust fund will run dry in 2016, two years sooner than expected. that shortfall will be covered by social security separate retirement trust fund for a while. both trust funds will be depleted by 2033. three years earlier than projected. >> this emphasizes building consensus on reform to put it on sounder footing for future. >> romney says the president had three years to build consensus. >> when they had a super majority in the house and the senate and the white house, what did they do about the social security? medicare? >> on medicare, top
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administration officials today touted better news sort of. the trustees found medicare is going broke in 2024, only good news in the sense that the dire prediction is unchanged from last year. giving the white house another chance to tee off on republican house budget chairman paul ryan's plan to change medicare. >> we will not support proposals that sew this deep in their destruction in the name of reform or shift cost of healthcare to seniors in order to sustain tax cuts for the most fortunate americans. >> the pressure is building, however, on the building over charges medicare is wasting $8 billion a year on a new program that investigators say gives providers bonuses for mediocre care. a separate report they urged the program be canceled. though the white house suggested otherwise. >> this is important to cine esing efficiency of the medicare advantage plan. we have a disagreement about
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this. >> the president is heading out tomorrow on a two-day swing to push plan to keep interest rate low on student loans substantive issue and campaign push. all three states, north carolina, iowa are major election battlegrounds. >> bret: imagine that. ed henry live on the north lawn. thank you. house speaker john boehner says there is a real chance that republicans will fail to retain control of the house in november. boehner made the comment with bill hemmer. >> there is a two in three chance we get control of the house again. but one in three chance we could lose. we have a big challenge and we work to do. >> bret: you can see all of that interview tomorrow morning 9:00 eastern on america news room. now to the president usual race. we believe we know who will be at the top of the respective tickets and we got an indication today who else might be on the november
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ballot. chief political correspondent carl cameron has the story from one of the primary states pennsylvania. >> reporter: mitt romney will campaign with most of the top vice presidential prospects. marco rubio, a conservative latino and tea party favorite is big. >> glad to be here with the next president of the united states. look forward to being part of the effort to help in any way i can. >> rubio has been deflecting questions about the vice presidency since before his 2010 senate election. now rubio says he will keep silent and let the process play out, even if it means romney and the 40-year-old first year senator dodge questions about his experience for job. >> first term senator experienced enough to become your number two? >> i don't have any comments on qualifications for individuals to serve in various positions in government at this stage.
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that is something we'll consider down the road. >> i'm not talking about the process anymore. >> rubio whose parents fled cuba before coming here could help romney who is pushing immigration reform. romney declines to endorse the plan. team romney's promising the most extensive vetting process in recent history. so far, romney campaigned with rob portman, establishment favorite. congressman and budget chairman paul ryan. former rival tim pawlenty. john thune. mcdonald. south carolina governor nikki haley. indiana governor mitch daniels yesterday discourageded romney from asking him. >> i would demand reconsideration. send mr. romney a list of people i think could suit better. >> romney-rubio pairing got big applause at a town hall meeting outside philadelphia. >> mitt romney, the next president of the united states. >> extraordinary leader. wonderful leader in our partych [ applause ] >> tomorrow's primaries in pennsylvania, new york, rhode island, delaware, connecticut, are the first since rick
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santorum dropped out. romney is expecting decisive victory over nominal competition from ron paul and newt gingrich who is broke and could end his campaign any day now. romney will watch the primary returns tuesday from new hampshire, home of the first of the nation presidential primary and romney's first big win in this campaign. team romney considers it the unofficial end of the nominating contest. bret? >> bret: carl, more than 100 days passed since the first in the nation iowa caucuses. at first, we had mitt romney declared the winner there. then rick santorum. they're not finalized yet but there could be another winner. >> possibly be ron haul who gets the lion's share of the delegates. over the course of the last weekend, iowa republican party held an election for members of the central committee. the ron paul delegates or supporters made big gains. when iowa's convention comes up in june and the delegates are allocated it's possible that ron paul could come out on top. in the end, it won't be mean much for nomination. it means like in other places
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including minnesota, ron paul continues to pick up delegates. customarily at the end, if romney becomes the nominee he gets all of them by acclimation at the rnc convention. >> bret: thank you. we'll have special coverage of tuesday's primary in fox news primetime tomorrow night and wrap it up with an hour-long special at 11:00 p.m. eastern time. here at home, stocks took another hit, largely believed to be tied to concerns about europe. the dow lost 102 today. the s&p 500 gave back 12. the nasdaq closed 30 behind. he can't find his customers's money pew he can scare up cash for the president. later in the grapevine. up next, going after high-tech oppression in syria and iran. look, every day we're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet?
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which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you'v had an asthma attack, hives, oother allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. >> bret: president obama signed executive order to target countries and people using technology to crackdown
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on dissent. they tell us the move is aimed at iran and syria. >> national sovereignty is never a license to slaughter your people. >> at the holocaust museum, president obama spoke of efforts made of the united states to prevent future atrocities in places like syria. today, the president acted on its own for some of the most cruel regimes. >> i signed an executive order to authorize sanctions against the syrian government and ira iran. >> u.s. officials say the regime of assad is using technology to disrupt, monitor and crack communication networks and social media used by opposition groups. social media and cell phones are effective tools to organize against the brutal leaders. start mccain applauded obama to stop atrocities but says he isn't going far enough. "ultimately ending violations
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of conscience requires the political will and moral courage of leaders, especially the president of the united states. unfortunately that will and leadership are lacking in the case of syria today." so far, international pressure have not stopped assad and his government from killing more than 11,000 of their own people. on saturday, the u.n. security council voted to authorize sending up to 300 unarmed military monitors to syria and advanced teams are already at work. >> we are very focused on this. >> u.n. leaders have been hoping expanded observers force to help stop the killing. and allow condition for legitimate process. so far, a top u.n. official told a security council today. the human rights violations are perpetrated with impunity and he called at it pivotal moment in syria.
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>> bret: more on this with the panel. thank you. defense secretary leon panetta is dismissing iran's claims that it has recovered data from a u.s. spy drone that when down in iran last year. officials in tehran claim they are building a copy of that drone. fox news just learned iran is makingovertures to the chinese. to potentially give them access to the sensitive drone technology. meanwhile, someone has launched a cyber attack on an iranian oil facility. the virus infected the control panels of iran's largest crude oil export plant. iranian state tv quote officials insisting there is no permanent damage. the u.s. and afghanistan struck a new support deal for after the u.s. troop withdrawal. after troops pull out in 2014. washington also pledged it will not launch attack on other countries from afghanistan soil.
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north korea is threatening actions but most see it as bluster from the north koreans. officials in the south did not detect military move in the the north. france may be headed for a major political shift. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot tells us what is on the line. >> you couldn't tell it, but the french president nicolas sarkozy is in trouble. he came in second in first round of presidential voting. so while both there go on to runoff second round, he is favored to win to be the first left-leaning president in 17 years. >> i won a beautiful victory in the image of france, he says. one of the history and future. the far right candidate scored surprisingly strong third place for anti-immigrant and anti-european message with disgruntled french voters as it has elsewhere.
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>> i understand the fears, sarkozy declared. they're about respective borders and battle against losing jobs overseas. still, experts say the european woes could finish sarkozy and other leaders across europe have lost their jobs in the past few years. >> the european stock market plunged early on prospect of the presidency. experts say his tax and spend proposal threaten ailing french economy and strong showing for ole-style far left candidate and the french are yearning for the good old day days. all i want is that the next president takes care of the french people. >> the second round of the presidential election is set for may 6. before that, there will be one american style tv debate. that's perhaps sarkozy's last chance to avoid being one-term president.
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in london, greg palkot, fox news. >> bret: still ahead, certain customers are being taken hook line and sinker. we will explain. up next, faith as a campaign issue. every communications provider is different but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company. ♪ we link people and fortune 500 companies nationwide and around the world. and we will continue to free you to do more and focus on what matters.
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>> bret: you already know people running this fall's presidential campaign will look for every possible angle and edge to win. one issue that may be on the table: religion. correspondent shannon bream reports it's a subject that can be challenging for both romney and president obama. >> reporter: from mocking tweets by "new york times" columnist charles blow and msnbc political contributor joan walsh to polygamy challenges, romney's faith has
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come under fire. early last week, republican senator orrin hatch himself a mormon in the midst of a primary challenge predicted opponents would try to use romney's faith against him. on thursday, sweitzer said romney would likely want to engage hispanic voter in conversation about immigration, it would be tough for him to do so because his father, "born on a polygamy commune in mexico." >> my dad's dad was not a polygamist. my dad grew up on n a family with a mom and a dad and a few brothers and one sister. >> reporter: a spokesperson for the obama re-election campaign responded to the remarks saying attacking anyone's religion is out of bounds. a smart move according to the political analyst larry sabato. >> i noted even the obama campaign recognized dangers of what governor sweitzer said and reprimanded him and came out strongly suggesting it was inappropriate. >> democratic strategist
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clayton says all sides are best advised not to try to use religion against a candidate. >> i don't think people should be attacking mitt romney for his faith, just like they should about attack obama for his christianity. faith and politics if you mix it together is a tender box and can explode in your face. >> 15 members of the congress democrats and republicans do identify themselves as mormon, including senate majority leader harry reid. we wieched out to his office to ask whether reid had taken the same heat as romney over their shared faith. he did not respond to our request for an interview on the topic, in the past reid said this about mormonism as it relates to his position in the senate. "i don't think my faith is a hindrance to what i do." romney's campaign said there are no plans for him to give a speech about mormonism. romney himself frequentenly said we are not having a debate about religion in this presidential campaign. his aides say the issue is distraction and romney is not going to lose his focus on jobs and the economy. bret?
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>> bret: shannon, thank you. man once described as the evil genius of the nixon administration went on to become a force for good. died over the weekend. chuck holsof was 80. senior political analyst brit hume has thoughts on his life and career. >> the last time i saw chuck colson was over dinner florida in early march. the occasion was an event in support of a ministry that recruits native people in remote corners of the world to spread the gospel. i was there to speak at chuck's request. i knew little about the ministry, but the fact he was supporting it was enough for me. chuck was the kind of christian who when he called you came. as a young investigative reporter in washington during the nixon years. i pursued chuck colson in a different way. he was a tough guy political enforcer in the white house whose zeal led him afoul of the law and to jail. his conversion to christianity in the ordeal illustrated what the term "amazing grace" means. he founded a ministry to prisoners that now operating
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in more than 100 countries. his passionate faith expressed in box, articles and speeches made him one of the most important vadco kates for -- advocates for christianity in our time. the willfulness and determination that led him to trouble never left him. in the last 30 years of his life they were in the service of people he might once condemned. to the end, there were some who scoffed at the conversion, but not those who saw firsthand what it had done to him and what he had done because of it. a pastor i know likes to say if you chase after jesus, men will chase after you. i will always be glad that in my small way i joined chuck colson's chase. bret? >> bret: brit, did you talk with him about the days that you were chasing him as a reporter and he was in the nixon administration? >> we joked about it that night over dinner. he famously said during the nixon re-election campaign that he would walk over his grandmother to get nixon re-elected. i worked for jack anderson, a bunch of us are sitting around the office. we called in the white house,
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and we said reporter for some organization, we had, there was a woman in milwaukee we claimed to be a grandmother. furious with him and what did he have to say? she said -- never got him on the phone. another person did the same thing. so i picked up the phone and called and a woman answered saying this is natty hattie and you tell my grandson he can't walk all over me. i asked him about it and he said he never heard of it. >> bret: i didn't think we were going to get the voice. i like that. good addition. thank you, sir. african-american congressman gets dissed by the naacp. where on earth was everybody on earth day? grapevine is next. i'm freaking out man. why? i thought jill was your soul mate. no, no it's her dad. the general's your soul mate? dude what? no, no, no. he's, he's on my back about providing for his little girl.
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tid draw tens of thousands of people. with the "washington post" estimating more than 17,000 participants on that day. former mf global ceo jon corzine is under investigation for his role in the brokerage firm collapse after the disappearance of $1.6 billion of customer funds. however, that hasn't stopped him from playing a large role in president obama's 2012 re-election effort. corzine is listed as raising at least $500,000 bundling donations. at the end of last year, the obama campaign returned corzine's personal contributions in the wake of the m.f. global scandal. corzine, the former democratic governor of new jersey testified on capitol hill he does not know what happened to the $1.6 billion of m.f. global funds. finally, florida congressman, republican congressman alan west disinvited from keynote speaker duties at a local
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naacp fundraiser supposed to happen saturday. huffington post reports at issue, recent comments from west saying some 80 house democrats are members of the communist party. west stood by those comments, despite massachusetts democratic congressman barney frank saying, "not even joe mccarthy would have said anything so stupid." you may feel pretty stupid after hearing about what we uncovered for this next piece. it turns out if you like to eat seafood at seafood restaurants you may be getting ripped off. correspondent william la jeunesse with a not too pleasant fish story. >> what we found is alarming. we found that more than half of the seafood we sampled from restaurants, sushi bars and grocery stores were mislabeled, substituting one species for another. >> experts recommending eating seafood twice a week. but new report says we're getting scamed. >> it's dishonesty. people look to profiteer at
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the expense of the uneducateddor unknowledgeable consumer. >> advocacy group ociana tested seafood around los angeles and found 55% of consumers buying one fish and getting another. >> thdoes a volkswagen drive like a cadillac? no, it doesn't. these were mislabeled, tilapia for snapper. maco shark for swordfish. ecolar instead of white tuna. cat fish for sole. or flounder or sea bass for halibut. >> it doesn't start with the fishery or the fishermen. those trying to make a living from the oceans. but it's usually somewhere toward the end of that chain seeing an opportunity to take a product similar to another product and repackaging. >> santa monica seafood created a fish to fork tracking system. oceana recommends a similar, federal paper trail for all seafood sold in the u.s. troller to table. >> we sort of have a patchwork
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of enforcement and regulation. none of it is really up to the level we think is needed. >> about 85% of the seafood sold in the u.s. is actually imported. it's typically caught and gutted at sea or processed abroad before being resold here. now the mislabeling of similar looking fishes, can occur at several different points in that supply chain. either way, consumers may not be getting what they paid for? san pedro california, william la jeunesse, fox news. >> the florida neighborhood watch volunteer charged with killing trayvon martin is out of jail tonight. george zimmerman made bail overnight. he is charged with second degree murder in the death of martin. zimmerman is staying at an undisclosed location. also today, city officials in sanford refused to accept recommendation of embattled police chief bill lee junior over the handling of this case. opening statements began today in the trial of former democratic presidential
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candidate john edwards. he has pleaded not guilty to using campaign funds to hide his pregnant mistress in his 2008 run. edwards' lawyers contend the funds used were actually fifties from friends. the prosecutor in the retrial of baseball pitching great roger clemens began his presentation by saying the player engaged in what he called a story of deceit, dishonesty an betrayal. clemens is accused of lying to congress about use of performance enhancing drugs. clemens' first trial ended in a mistrial. medicare and social security are going broke. we talk about what we learn this afternoon when the fox all-stars join me after the break.
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>> bret: today sobering news from the trustee report, social security and made care. a lot of reaction on capitol hill. mainly from republicans. house speaker john boehner put out a statem saying, "today's report confirm what is republicans long said the biggest threat to medicare and social security is doing nothing. the refusal of the white house and congressional democrats to address the fiscal challenges will have devastating consequences for american seniors." treasury secretary speaking out from the white house. the panel, craig barnes. and mara liasson from national public radio. syndicated columnist, charles
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krauthammer. what does the report mean and what does it tell us, fred? >> things are getting worse. the major entitlement. what we thought would happen is predictable. this has gone to 2.8 workers in america for every beneficial. it was 3.4 ten years ago. 2.8. when you have the baby boomers retiring, it's going to lower that ratio. just mean less money is coming in. more benefits will have to be spent. it can't only get worse. social security and medicare. what was a cheap shot. the treasury secretary tim geithner, taking a shot when obama administration has done nothing about the spending going out of control. and social security. social security disability and medicare. he takes a shot at the paul ryan plan. the treasury secretary, today. i mean, that is really low ball. the truth is obama has done
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nothing. there are bipartisan plans out there. on medicare, there was certainly one in the clinton administration. he had a panel that proposed something very much like the premium support plan that paul ryan and the republicans in the house proposed. and then there is a social security plan. it's not one we know, but speaker gingrich and president clinton agreed on reform plan in 198 # which would have done what everybody knows has to be done. raise edge of eligibility and do some means testing. unfortunately, this was late 19 # 7. before it could have been formalized and announced, monica lewinsky stepped on scene an changed everything. there are things that can be done. proposed on bipartisan basis. and obama has been no help. >> bret: mara, specifically, this report today says social security disability trust fund, 11 million americans tap in to that will run dry in
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2016. that is two years earlier than expected. that shortfall will be picked up in the short-term. but then overall, social security runs out by 2033. >> yeah. it shows again the time to make a big deal, that includes the reform of entitlement program and tax reform is as soon as possible. hopefully january. as soon as we have a new president and congress. everybody knows what the deal will be. you will have to raise revenue, even if you do it through the tax reform including lowering people's rates. >> bret: you see romney wins this election? >> i don't know. i believe no matter who is president this deal has to be done. you can be a little more republican if there is a republican president in congress. it can be a little more to the democratic side. but i don't see how we keep on going without fixing the problems. without becoming greece. at some point, we have to do it. you know, fred mentioned clinton and gingrich. you had bowles-simpson, all sorts of people laying out for you the way it has to happen.
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and it's pretty clear. i guess the question for me is how much of this will be debated on the presidential campaign trail or are we going to have romney come fine his remarks to private fundraisers and the president only talk about raising taxes on the rich? >> bret: charles? >> you ask how can this continue in this way, well, obama succeeded in doing nothing in this way for his entire first term. it is absolutely striking that the secretary of treasury speaking as a member of the minority opposition and says we will not support any proposals. he is in office. his president is in office. he is the one proposed it. he has proposed nothing. in one term. everybody understands, ryan said, it's the most predictable fiscal catastrophe in american history. they haven't lifted a finger. numbers today talk about the difficulty of the entitlement program in terms of years. the more accurate way i think that you look at it is how much is spent every year and how much is coming in?
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medicare shells out $560 billion every year. it covers less than half of that with premiums, and with taxation. so more than half of that it comes from the treasury. we should of course -- which has no money of its own. that money comes from china. every year. almost $300 billion every year, adds to the deficit. that is a quarter of the entire deficit on medicare. with social security we had a cushion for decades. because there was more money paid in, and the attacks by the workers than the seniors were drawing out. now with 10,000 seniors retiring every day, we are now for the first time in deficit. social security is paying out more than it takes in. which means who steps in? the treasury. with whose money? china's. and that's what is destroying the american economy. >> bret: moontime, the gao is saying that medicare advantage should be canceled. something that the white house is pushing back on.
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this whole issue, can it be debated during this election? can it really, can people get down in the weeds and really fight over specifics in an election environment? >> they could. do i expect it? not at all. what secretary geithner said and what democrats have adopted as the argument on medicare for instance, they just ignore social security. on medicare, to say well, it will change social security, or the medicare as we know it. well, of course it will. that is what you have to do. you have to change and we have a system now where it incentivizes overuse. by doctors, procedures and everything. it guarantees that they will spen more than they need to. that is the idea of the premium support plan proposed by paul ryan. alex rittlin has a version. senator from oregon joined in. it's out there. to have to denounce it, this
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guy is the treasury secretary. for heaven's sake. adopt -- the announcement today, adopt a political line. i think it's shameful. you know what is the one encourage thing? i agree entirely with mara. the next administration no matter who is election they have to deal with it. medicare, a quarter of the national debt approved in the last ten years is for medicare. >> there is a great opportunity. all sorts of other horrible things will happen if they don't make the deal. >> bret: in other words medicare will end as you know it february they don't take up paul ryan's plan. >> yeah. good reason to come up with some kind of a plan in passage. >> bret: next up, iran and syria. what grade would you give obama administration on dealing with the two nations? back after this. [ horn honks ] hey, it's sandra -- from accounting. peter. i can see that you're busy...
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national sovereignty is never a license to slaughter your people. despite all the tanks, and all the snipers, all the torture and brutality unleashed against them. the syrian people still brave the streets. they still demand to be heard. they still seek their dignity. and syrian people have not given up. which is why we cannot give up. so we're allies and partners we'll keep increasing the pressure with a diplomatic effort to further isolate assad and his regime. those who stick with assad know they are making a losing bet. >> bret: president obama at the holocaust museum today saying he signed an executive order authorizing ascentions against the syria government and iran for use of technology to target dissenters in either one of those countries. there has been a lot of talk about syria and what is not being done.
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senator john mccain saying this administration has not gone far enough. writing in a statement, "ultimately ending violation of conscious requires the political will an moral courage of world leaders, especially the president of the united states. unfortunately that will and leadership is lacking in the case of syria today." back with the panel. charles, start on syria. the president is talking today and what is happening or not happening. >> well, remember, when bolivia thing happened, obama enunciated to the world a grand doctrine of duty to protect. under that, he belatedly brought america in a war because of the threat that gadhafi made. the threat to the people of endazi. well, that were, that but only hypothetical. that was a threat. that was something that might happen in the future. in syria, we have been watching for a year. something that didn't hypothetical. it's not happening in the future. it's happening now. 11,000 in front of our eyes,
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it's indiscriminate shelling of cities. he hasn't lifted a finger. he gives good speeches and says we can't stand idly by. what does he do? stand idly by. at the holocaust museum, establishing atrocity prevention. now imagine that. the russian supply weapons every day. the iranians are supplying weaponry and trainers. united states of america, greatest power in the world that apparently has a duty to protect establishing atrocity prevention for in the white house and got representative from all the agencies. this really is going to make a difference. it's embarrassing. that the president -- >> bret: do you think he has the political will to do something? >> if you are not going to do something, don't speak about it or pretend america has conscious, candid city by. say never again. and then do it at the museum of the holocaust. announced the creation of the ward. you do nothing if that is what you are going to do. the idea that you can pretend
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and have a smooth rhetoric and pretend that the weeks are depending on putting pressure on the regime is ridiculous. we haven't lifted a finger. if you aren't going to, then be quiet. >> bret: all right. the president was produced by the noble laureate holocaust survivor ezell today. this is what he had to say. >> they say have you learned anything from this? if so, how is it that assad is still in power? you must know that evil has power. it's almost too late. [ inaudible ] we must use those measures to prevent another catastrophe. >> bret: again, that was the introto the president. >> yeah. this is really hard. the white house, i've been if briefings when they have been asked the question. look, you did it in libya. what is the difference?
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he is now shelling cities where gaddafi was just promising to or threatening to. he said look there was international coalition willing to go in and provide air cover and do airstrikes in libya. there is not one here. in other words, he doesn't have the international support. not a ground swell of public opinion in the united states. you don't hear romney or republicans, other than mccain kahn and maybe a few others. >> grandstand -- >> i think there was more support for it. >> there was not. it was all leadership. either it exists in the white house or it doesn't. americans don't clamor to go to war. >> bret: fred? >> i agree. if you want to have a coalition, organize a coalition. you have to lead in that direction. the president talking to speech today about the legal effort, humanitarian effort. the diplomatic effort. the truth is that there needs to be a lot of leadership and there needs to be a bit of a military effort. nobody wants to put american troops on the ground and nato troops. you can create a no-fly zone.
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the same thing we did in iraq after the first gulf war and save thousands and thousands of lives. have an area where arms if they're sent to the syrian rebels can go and you can get them in. >> bret: all right. down the line, does something like that happen? >> not under his administration. >> i think eventually something like that could happen. >> i don't know. i think obama talks about it, but i'm not sure he wants to touch it in any way. he is giving the russians veto because he requires security council support. the russians have a veto, so anytime the russians want to support a dictator it's done and he supports it. >> bret: that is it for panel. stay tuned to hear e-mails on capitol hill. ♪ ere's another way to minimize
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